
Our funds are used, in the main, for education for members, including study days and the VOICE course, and attending conferences and meetings.  We have been fortunate in that so far all our speakers and meeting organisers have donated their time and the costs incurred were put to ensuring volunteers are able to attend.
Our income since we began has come from a variety of sources, including pharmaceutical companies (35%), members’ fundraising (13%), health charities (20%) academia (19%),and fees charged (7%). We are aware that we need to remain independent of pharmaceutical companies. However, it is in the interest of all cancer patients that effective drugs are developed, and we feel that donations from pharmaceutical companies are therefore appropriate.
We believe that it is important for researchers to budget for lay input to new trials when making funding applications and we aim to recoup some of our costs in this way; this is needed to enable the participation of some members.
Members and trustees receive no payment from ICPV, except travel expenses and generously donate their time and expertise. 



For more detailed information on our accounts please contact the Treasurer.

There are a number of ways to donate to ICPV


PayPal Giving Fund

Make donations PayPal Account



Send eCards

You can send eCards for any occasion and donate to ICPV.

Go to and search for Independent Cancer Patients' Voice



Easy Fundraising

Easyfundraising is the simplest way to raise funds for ICPV. You shop online with your favourite stores and you raise money at the same time. It's that easy.

Easy Fundraising work with thousands of well known retailers including John Lewis, eBay, Amazon, M&S, Argos, and many more. The retailers will donate a percentage of your spend to your cause when you shop with them through the easyfundraising site.

Just go to Easyfundraising and register or scan the QR code below


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© Independent Cancer Patients' Voice is a charity registered by the Charity Commission for England and Wales (no.1138456) Registered office 17 Woodbridge Street, London, EC1R 0LL. Copyright ICPV all rights reserved
