About us

Becoming a member

If you support what we do, are already active in your local cancer research network or another charity and want to develop your skills, then why not contact us for more information.


Members are able to take part at a number of levels - meetings, conferences, trial management groups and of course our very active Google Group (Closed Email Discussion Forum).


Many of our members remain ‘virtual’ if they do not have the time to commit to attending meetings. This is still a vital part of ICPV as this allows members to comment on new trials and research electronically.


ICPV membership is not for everyone – you must be able to be comfortable with your own health status and be able to use that experience positively.  It is all about improving treatments for others. 


Before becoming a full member we generally like to meet you at one of our meetings or more usually now have a Zoom chat – this gives us and you the chance to decide if membership is right for you.


All you need to do is contact us or download our membership sheet below for more information.

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© Independent Cancer Patients' Voice is a charity registered by the Charity Commission for England and Wales (no.1138456) Registered office 17 Woodbridge Street, London, EC1R 0LL. Copyright ICPV all rights reserved
